This was a long day. Poor kidlet is/better be was– being bullied at school–it freaks me out that this could be the same song just years and years later. I think the schools are more aware of bullying than they were in my time. Also she has me and her dad–so she’ll be protected no matter what.
You just have to wonder what kind of kid tells another kid that they are going to kill her pets with a metal baseball bat? First of all it’s really disturbing, second of all it’s really detailed which makes it more disturbing. Poor Em was having nightmares .
We’ve been trying to work this through all year. Girls do mean crap. And some of it she has to learn to stand up to, but there comes a point and that point–well the kid blew right past it.
Why are girls like this? Â I keep promising her that this stuff doesn’t last forever and you do end up with friends you can trust, but I know what it looks like at 9. So I picked her up right after school and we tried on hats and hung out and talked it through. I won’t let what happened to me happen to her–if I have to take on the entire planet or be bitten by a radioactive spider or even just have lots of really uncomfortable meetings with parents whose kids are being cruel.
I have been angry and hurt for her all day. Now that the adrenaline has quieted and the child is in bed and things are stilling in the house I feel like crying. I cannot let her have anything even approaching what I had. We made her to give her all the happpiness we could and nobody will stop that. It took me years to get over some of the things that were done to me –some would say I’m still not over it. Hey–head in the toilet or being  told daily you never knew when you were going to get your ass kicked–or having your pants pulled down in the middle of the school hallway..well I will damn well breathe fire anywhere and everywhere to keep my child from that.
Believe it.
Oh crap. I’m sorry 🙁 ((((YOU GUYS)))))
Thanks @jillsmo I know you understand.
I am so sorry, I was asking my girls about bullying at school and to my shock oldest said it happened in first grade, first grade……and I went to some ROUGH schools in my life and was kicked in head, etc and never discussed with my folks. just tried to duck and cover and wait till we moved again. but this is town we have chosen to bring our family up in, and I’m devasted by this news. I am SO SORRY that girls at early age have to deal with this. I have always told the girls more important than being a great student dad and I want them to be nice to fellow students and teachers and staff.
Thank you Lynn. It really sucks. We’ve raised her to be kind, it’s a huge shame that others have not raised their kids likewise. I’m glad there are folks like you out there.