Project Reverb prompt: “Chances are, if you’re participating in #reverb it’s because you like writing. Or at least want to like writing. Writing is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. What do you do every day to hone your craft? Or, what would you like to do each day to contribute to your writing?â€
I would like to write every day for  a half an hour. I’d like to be brave enough to write fiction. Or write poems again. My poems…do not suck, though poetry seems to be a dying art. My fiction I have no faith in, nor do I seem to have any imagination any longer. It’s just been a life long dream.

Reverb14 prompt:Â Step one: set the timer for 5 minutes and write down as many answers as you can think of to the question: ‘When and how was I brave in 2014?’ Note: remember the private, intimate and small ways in which you were brave as well as the big public ways.
Step two: Choose one of more of those moments of bravery and write a letter yourself back at the beginning of 2014, letting you know how brave you are going to be that year.
Step three: Write yourself a short reminder to tuck into your wallet or post above your desk of just how brave you can and will be in 2015.
I wrote the future letter yesterday, so I’ll be giving this one a miss , except to say…You were brave, you kept showing up when you really didn’t want to. You kept showing up when it made you cry. Next time stop before that point–none of it is worth that.
Beautifully said, yesterday and today. x