Well Mars Edit it is

Well Mars Edit it is

Well, I’m betting this one is going to work. For $40 for a freaking blogging client I’m expecting it to write my damn posts for me.

Anyway, tomorrow I will be getting setup for the scintilla project. I should do it today, but I’ve instead decided to have a massive asthma and/or panic attack.

Hard to say which, they seem very much alike. Why? maybe more on that later.


Oh, I’m going to post a picture to see if it works.


Sadly still not as good as Windows Live writer. Microsoft got that right at least. Can’t size the pictures. So far though, other than that it seems

ok. We’ll see, going to put it to the test next fortnight!


Yes this is boring boring boring. But I can’t stop hyperventilating long enough to write more than this!