She’s afraid that if she leaves, she’ll become the life of the party    Groucho Marx

She’s afraid that if she leaves, she’ll become the life of the party Groucho Marx


December 9 – Party

Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.

(Author: Shauna Reid)

I enjoyed our Halloweeniversary because it is fun making all that for folks and having kids run around. It is great to dress up. This year J was a flying Monkey and I was Elphaba, green skin and all. Em was the attitude fairy. Is there a better way to spend your anniversary than dressing up, cooking for everyone (weird food to boot) having a bunch of kids underfoot and then handing out candy in your overly decorated house and front yard? I think not.

I finally got to go out to a couple of after work functions with the folks from one of the schools I work at.

They were fun. Very relaxed but fun. I didn’t feel that pressure I usually do in social situations. Really nice folk.  Teachers are still cool. I plan to do this more often.

This was not a year of really great parties for me. There were some I missed and some I should have missed. This was more a year about not going to parties for the most part.

I think I’m ok with that. Some of it is by choice some of it isn’t.

I’ve been to a lot of kid parties. And that’s probably right where I should be right now.

The Bean is going to her first spend the night party tomorrow. She’s excited and I’m happy for her. We got her a new pink sleeping bag and she’s packed all her Liv Dolls and all their wigs.  it was hard convincing her she needed to take clothes as well. I’m going to miss her lots. We don’t spend a lot of time apart—except when she visits J’s mom in California with him. No I don’t go.


So no we don’t spend a lot of time apart, so it will be weird for me but I’m going to make the best of it. We are. J and I may go to my work  Christmas Party if I’m not too freaked out about walking around at night. Or we may have dinner and a movie. We have time together, just the two of us. There will be no chores! There will be kissing and hand holding and monkey noises.

No that wasn’t a euphemism, seriously there will probably be some hooting.

Also to those of ya’ll who gave me encouragement here, on FB and in email I appreciate it. You gave me a shot to keep going.I was getting a bit self conscious. ME? Yes. It happens, something must have gone retrograde.