“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” Edmund Hillary

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” Edmund Hillary

December 28 – Achieve

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

(Author: Tara Sophia Mohr)


Well crap. I have to come out with it now. And the intertubes and my friends will be able to hold me accountable.

Damn. Blast.

Ok. So J and I are going to start the paleo diet on Jan 1. We are easing into it this week. We aren’t going to go all hardcore (for example on one of these pages— I can’t remember which one I’ve read so many lately—it said to eat only nuts and berries during the day), but we ARE going to do this now.

We’ve decided to standardize on Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple because of our friend Batty who has had phenomenal success. She’s also become quite an amazing athlete in a way no one could have predicted. It is impressive. We HAVE to do something because I …well I can’t walk well and it’s taking a long time for this to get better and it will be a long time.

And dammit, I used to be skinny and I’m tired of being fluffy.

J has set up the garage for what weight training I can do. I can’t get on the floor yet for any kind of floor work, situps or anything so I don’t know how much like “grok”  (the paleo caveman mascot thing) I can be. But I’m going to try to do SOMETHING.

I am considering this as well, to jumpstart: http://www.glutenfreejan.com/ but that might be too radical. We have cut out white pasta and rice (the rice is most of the time—sushi rice is tough to forgo on sushi) —we only have whole wheat pasta and we don’t eat that much, which is kind of amazing considering J is Italian.  I have  *sob* stopped baking nearly as much and usually only when it is a holiday or there are kidlets over who can nom the whole thing.

I have to get back to cooking. I enjoy cooking. It took me years to get there. What I don’t enjoy is the time—with work I’m so much more tired and so much more busy than I was and Bean has activities and will have more activities this semester.

I think when I can fit into that one dress I have held onto I will feel: Strong. I will feel Pleased and I will feel Attractive.

Ten things I can do to not be a fatty boombalatty.

  1. I can clean out crap from the pantry…HA…I’m eating the last of the fudge (sharing it of course) and not making more. I’ve tossed out the nutella. I am not replacing the bisquick.
  2. I can keep trying to walk better—so I can start taking my graveyard walks again.
  3. I can read something on Mark’s Daily Apple every day.
  4. I can post on the forum, maybe I’m shy with this and embarrassed.
  5. I can write here, in my blog to keep myself accountable.
  6. I can NOT buy any candy. This is really only hard…starting at Halloween. Though there is that once a month need not to kill anyone. Usually my husband hides behind the couch pelting me with Twix, kit kats or Ghirardelli and yelling “you are NOT a warthog!” Something will have to give there.
  7. I can not give into eating crap when pressed for time. I will keep yogurt around  and good yogurt, not crap processed yogurt.
  8. I will find a way to like oatmeal.
  9. I can cook dinner….EVERY SINGLE DAMN NIGHT, even if it is just eggs.
  10. I can shop at Ozark Natural Foods Warehouse more often for better food.

Ok…so there you go.  That is the big deal for this year.  I can’t experience the feeling of success today, but I can decide to really do it this time and not just poke at it with a very long stick.


  1. Good luck! I, too, am working on getting in better shape next year… I’m signing up for my first race and (hopefully!) running it in May… don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a setback. You’re only human!
    #reverb10 @libismorgan

  2. Wow – it seems like you’ve set some really fantastic goals — and ones that are specific and achievable. Good for you. I find myself often setting big, ephemeral goals for which I sometimes miss setting specific action items.

    I explored your site a few days ago, I’ve been really curious about the name of your blog. I love “erstwhile dancefloor revolution”…why’d you choose that? Is there a story behind it? #curious 🙂

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