B is for Bibliophagist

B is for Bibliophagist

Bibliophagist: One who devours books, literally or figuratively.

http://www.forvo.com/word/bibliophagist/ <–How to pronounce.

I read. A lot and very fast. I started reading at about 4 and I never stopped. I read so fast I have to make myself slow down sometimes to savor a very good read. Like  The Wool Omnibus –which I suggest you pay for and download immediately. One of the BEST things I’ve read in the last year.

My favorite possession is my kindle. While I do miss the unadulterated bliss of strolling through a bookstore and emerging heavy laden with far too much (is there such a thing?) reading material–I very much enjoy the idea that i can carry around 3,500 books in something that weighs 8.3 ounces.

So, since B also stands for Back pain that is nearly incapacitating, I’m going to put in some pictures of most of the books in our home

First My Kindle and Night Stand:

.My kindleNightstand books


Next the Dining room and My office

Dining room booksJyllian's office books

James’ Office and the main bathroom (the others are too messy to show, seriously)

James bookshelvesBathroom books


Bean Room Books:

Beanroom books 2Beanroom books 1

Bean Playroom Books and Our Bedroom bookshelves (yes there is another nightstand full of books too and so is hers)

Bean playroom booksBedroom books

I guess you could say we are….READERS!





  1. Great post, and lovely biblio pics! It’s very hard to part with books, they become part of the landscape of our lives. But I agree, the Kindle makes it easier/neater around the house. Happy A-Zing!

  2. First, love your collection of books.
    Second, I love the Gir hidden in the bookshelve
    Third, I just realized your blog address is Pywacket, which was the name of one of Grandma’s cats when I was growing up. Very cool.

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